Saturday, July 7, 2007

Long Wait

It's been a while since I've written anything. I've received a few concerned emails as to my whereabouts. I'm still here.

June played with my head a bit. After spending a week in some remote communities, where I had to go to the bathroom in a hole smaller than my foot, I left almost immediately to Marin County in California, one of the wealthiest counties in the wide United States.

I dined with bluegrass superstar David Grisman, hung out with my girlfriend after months of not seeing her, went surfing, sunning, and ended my trip by seeing the Giants in San Fransisco.

Back in Mexico, my head spinned.

I enjoy the spinning. I'm going to induce it more.

I've decided to end my trip within the month. My last week is planned: remote jungle, remote desert, largest city in the world, home.

That aughta give me the spins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your blog and enjoy the what you wrote about food. I teach Latin American cuisine classes in Buenos Aires and was wondering if I send you an article about the food that we eat in Argentina maybe you could be kind to link from your blog to my website as I think many people who read your post might find interesting to find out that I teach indigenous south American dishes.
Anyway, my website is
my email is
and I will be happy to send you my article if you agree.