Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Freelance Journalist

Some of you already know that I started writing for an online newspaper www.suite101.com. I am writing articles about information war, the Zapatistas, travel, and, of course, food. A couple of you have asked for links to my recent articles (thanks Chris and Courtney for the interest). I have included a little widget in the sidebar to my articles. The text is really tiny and hard to read, but it should update automatically.

Right now, I have written recipes mostly to hit my three month quota in a week so I can take more time with some of the more serious work. If you've enjoyed the blog, you may be interested in the articles where I go more indepth into some of the topics presented here.

Coming down the pike are articles on Zapatistas 2.0, and on TIDE (Terrorist Identity Datamart Environment).

Thanks everyone for the love and support!


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