Friday, June 8, 2007

Research Brigada: Parte Dos

I currently find myself surrounded by about 9 local kids all looking over my shoulder trying to figure out what I am doing. They don't seem to lose any interest in us as they have kept post at our windows since we have arrived.

9 has increased to 15 now and they are discussing what I could possibly be doing in their native language of Chol. But I've gotten ahead of myself here.

Yesterday progressed with a quick breakfast followed by a meeting with the junta, the leaders at the Zapatista capital. Plans were made and after a few failed attempts at catching a truck out of the community we finally made it out on the "school bus" with a couple of fellows who would be our guides.

The bumpy ride in the back of the truck was made even more enjoyable by the giggling and bantering of the young adults watching us unsuccessfully try to keep our footing.

From the city, we took a small collectivo to a local tourist destination. From there is was a half an hour hike through the forest. At the trail head, a sign warned tourists not to progress because of frequent attacks. Good things we weren't tourists...

[It must be noted that a herd of 9 piglets just ran by]

We hiked through the jungle, across crude bridges, and finally to a river edge. A wooden sign announced that we had entered autonomous land.

The crystal blue river was broken up by short, but dramatic waterfalls.

A small boat was poled over to us and we made it across in two trips. On the other side we were openly greeted. My bag disappeared as all the children were so excited to carry our things for us.

We set up camp in the school. After we explained our purpose for being there, it was time for a river bath. Suddenly every child was ready for a bath! We swam and dove and played for about an hour before coming back to a simple but hearty meal of beans, tortillas, and spaghetti.

Tired. We went to bed early.

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